"Well, it was bound to happen. In fact, I have been predicting it for years. And now it looks like that day is about to arrive. This should be music to the ears of all the folks who drink numbers. They have dreamed, lusted, and drooled for something beyond the 100 point wines that, in recent years, have been cropping up like wild flowers and weeds after a spring rain. This is, to my knowledge, the first wine ever anointed with a score above 100. I do not know all the facts, but here is what I know.
Apparently the wine was pre-released to only one critic for tasting. (I am sorry. I cannot divulge the name, but you may be able to guess). And back came a 101 point score. I am told that the announcement of this first ever phenomenon will come as early as today. And, it is expected to rock the world. So make sure you are in a safe place. But, if you are, and if you are even thinking this is good for you, not so fast folks. It looks like the deal is already locked up.
You see, the announcement will be made simultaneously by the wine reviewer and the winery that produced the wine. The wine reviewer’s announcement will only go to subscribers of the publication’s extra cost exclusive pre-release list (they get advance notice of all the big numbers). The winery’s announcement will only go out to people in their Platinum Club (these are folks who have paid $1000 to join and who have purchased at least 100 bottles of wine at $$300 per bottle or more in the past year). And a few select unnamed 100 point wine reviewers with at least 1000 100 point wines to their credit will also receive the wine....Read the full article here:
[Seriously, for all you current and would-be serious collectors out there, The Underground Wine Letter is worth checking out].